Friday, February 5, 2010

the ultimatum call

I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but hear what sounded like an ultimatum being thrown down by this woman to her significant other. Whatever it was, it didn't sound pleasant.

  • commute: morning
  • bus: route 32 to Friendship Heights
  • time to produce sketch: about 3 minutes
  • subject aware? possibly toward the end
  • reactions to my work: the woman sitting to my left complimented the sketch, and then she and I proceeded to have a very pleasant discussion about her fund-raising work for the American Lung Association.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the complainer

This woman seems to be quite the pessimist. She typically has a complaint for the bus driver; for instance, she's griped that there aren't any seats available (and she won't ride without a seat). It often puts me in a little bit of a bad mood when she boards.

  • commute: morning
  • bus: route 32 to Friendship Heights
  • time to produce sketch: about 3 minutes
  • subject aware? no
  • reactions to my work: only my own — drawing her was a welcome distraction from focusing on her demeanor.

Monday, February 1, 2010

two snug men